Atlantic Fifth Grade Learn Boat Building from Mr. Heber

“To be ready for tomorrow, remember today and yesterday.”  ~Stevie Wonder

Fifth graders from Atlantic Elementary School make field trip to Little Skiff Boat Boatworks in Marshallberg.

One part of the class assembled parts of a Core Sound workboat as others shaped and formed a traditional oar used on workboats.  Heber Guthrie, veteran boat builder from Gloucester, had pre-cut the boat parts for the students to assemble.  He provided hands-on instruction for the two-hour session.  Guthrie, a member of the NC Coastal Heritage Association, will be conducting a series of summer camps for both young and old to learn boat building skills presented within a framework of lessons on coastal heritage.

Editorially speaking, having been involved in photojournalism since 1967, a half century of experience, like Farmers Insurance, I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two. 

Over the last 50 years, I have either photographed events like today or actually been the person facilitating such an event.  I have never seen better behaved 5th graders in my entire career, no noise, no rambling around, and this workshop provided more opportunity for rambling than one could imagine.  Students remained together in a group and stayed focused on the instruction offered about the task at hand.  Questions were sensible, no wisecracks.

I have conducted this, in part, to be the consequence of Heber’s charisma, knowledge about the subject matter, and wisdom in his use of effective ways to communicate with the students, not just on the object parts of the field trip, but also on the subjective references to heritage and Down East history.  Credit has to also be given to the teacher and parents of these children. 

Why I plead for support for the NC Coastal Heritage Association. ...
I hope you will see a personal benefit in joining this organization and supporting its projects. Visit You'll be glad you did

This article and accompanying photos were contributed by Benjamin Casey of Arapahoe, NC