Honoring the People of The Commercial Fishing Industry

The commercial fishing industry is facing yet another attack on their ability to bring fresh, local seafood to our tables.  The most recent attack is focusing on shrimping. 

Down East Community News wants to highlight and focus on the many men and women that work daily to provide our seafood.  

We will be creating a special page dedicated to getting to know who the commercial fishing men and women are.  We also want to highlight the beautiful fishing fleet that these folks go to each day - their workplace!

We would like for you to send us pictures of each fisherman and woman.  We also want photos of the boats.  Our goal is to, not just honor these folks for their hard work, but to put faces to commercial fishing industry. 

We will also be out taking pictures too of the fisherman - we want everyone included!

Use the upload links below to submit your photos.  You will be credited for each photo you submit. 

Upload your photos here!
If you have trouble uploading pics at this link, email your photos to lmiller@ec.rr.com

If you have questions, you may contact us from the "Contact" page on our site or call  252-728-4566.