Spring is coming!  And that means the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center is on the lookout for volunteers!!  Summer is almost here and that means a busy 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR!  They have much to share about the celebration and would like for anyone interested in volunteering to join them on Monday, April 3 for their SPRING VOLUNTEER ROUND-UP!

Volunteers provide a huge investment in the work of the Core Sound Museum.  Volunteers keep the doors open, the lights on, the yard clean, the visitors happy, the mailings stuffed, the light bulbs changed, the students learning, the dishes washed, the tables cleaned, the desserts delicious, the porches cleared, the events successful and the Museum growing every day!  They cannot do it without you - the volunteers!

The museum group hopes you will join them on April 3! Supper at 6:00 pm (their treat) and a meeting at 6:30 to go over the spring/summer/fall plans). 

Please call (252-728-1500) and RSVP by Saturday, April 1.